Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Looking at life backwards.

"...all the days ordained for me were written in Your book
    before one of them came to be."  ~Psalm 139:16  
In moments when I begin to worry about the future, I've found that it helps me to look at life backwards. Yep, backwards. =)

Numerous times in the Bible the Lord tells us to trust Him. This pleases and glorifies Him, just as a parent is honored when their children joyfully trust and obey them. But it is hard to trust, especially when life seems so uncertain, and our eyes are focused on "now."

What do I mean by looking at life backwards? I basically  mean, seeing our life from an eternal perspective and fixing our gaze on how big and powerful God is. He knows what's in the past, the present, and the future. He knows exactly what the ending of our lives will be, because He has written our life stories! {Ephesians 2:10} 

The Lord knows when and where and how my story on this earth will end.  He knows who my children will be, when they will be born and what plans He has for them. Which means that if He knows who our children are, He knows who both of their parents are, which means that He knows exactly who we will marry. The Lord knows why we've gone through each circumstance in our lives. Everything ties together. But it will never clearly make sense to us now. I love how Martin Luther writes it:
"Our God is like a printer, who sets the letters backwards, so that here that is the way we must read them; when we are printed off yonder, in the life to come, we shall read all clear and straightforward."
Oh, the swell of joy we can have now - and will know in a greater way, when we see Him face to face - when we realize that all of this life is for His glory.

Fretting or worrying seem foolish when life is viewed "backwards" {Matthew 6:27}. Oh, my friend, trust in the Lord, the almighty and sovereign Creator! Cling to Him. Pray, work, trust; the Lord will faithfully lead us as we seek His will for our life and run this race with perseverance!  

"The providence of God is like Hebrew words - it can only be read backwards." ~ John Flavel


Maren said...

As you can see, I've found your second blog. Thank you for writing and sharing!

Ana R.W. said...

You're welcome, Maren!! I'm so glad you found it! Thank you for commenting. :)
God bless you!