This afternoon I was quickly trying to clean up the desktop on my laptop... you see, I love using the "stickynotes"option on my laptop ~ almost too much I think!
So, I decided I would do one whole post with quotes, not all of them mind you, but a few. :)
"I must confess that I never realize Christ's preciousness so much as when I feel myself still to be, apart from Him, an undeserving, hell-deserving sinner." ~Charles Spurgeon
"The first link between my soul and Christ is not my goodness but my badness, not my merit but my misery, not my riches but my need." ~Charles Spurgeon
“There are two days in my calendar: This day and that Day.”
~Martin Luther
"...none makes the worth of Christ shine more brightly than sacrificial love for other people in the name of Jesus." ~John Piper
"The love of Christ triumphs over all misery." John Piper
"As you meditate on the law of the Lord day and night (Psalm 1:2) - as you immerse yourself in God's word - He comes and takes some truth of that word and burns it into your heart until it becomes a holy ambition. If that hasn't happened yet, saturate yourself with the word of God and ask Him for it."
~John Piper
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Out of the bow of brokenness God slings the arrow of healing." ~Louie Giglio
"Take the hardest thing in your life—the place of difficulty, outward or inward, and expect God to triumph gloriously in that very spot. Just there He can bring your soul into blossom." ~Lilias Trotter
And the one quote I left on my screen:
"To fear God means that my life is structured by a sense of awe, worship, and obedience that flows out of recognizing Him and His glory. He becomes the single most important reference point for all that I desire, think, do, and say. God is my motive and God is my goal. The fear of God is meant to be the central organizing force in my life." -Paul David Tripp
My goodness! I also use the sticky note option on my laptop a whole lot and my desktop is also full of quotes (and one with important numbers)! haha! You can't even see the full original desktop background picture. :-D
That's so fun, Gabriela! :D
I love these quotes! I will have to write them down for future reference. Thank you for sharing!
You're so welcome! :-)
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