~Charles Spurgoen
That is calming, isn't it?
We have a solid foundation, and an ever steady Savior who changes not. Life is filled with changes, filled with decisions to make, and filled with so many things that can take our view off of Jesus.
But, look! We are in the Creator's hand. And He is making us more like His son. That is His goal.
"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;"
1 Peter 2:9
Thank you for the reminder! He is so faithful. You reminded me of "Great is Thy Faithfulness" by Thomas Chisholm. :-) How are you doing, Ana?
You're welcome, Gabriela! Ohh, that is a beautiful hymn!!
I'm doing well!! Thank you for asking! Life is busy with keeping up with things around the home, volunteering at the pregnancy resource center and reading...etc. :-)
I also went to a Biblical counselling training in the Twin Cities a few weekends ago... it was *so* good!
And I'm just so happy that I can rest in the Lord who is in control and loves us more than I can comprehend! God is good!
How are you doing?
Blessings to you!!
~Ana <3
Good! Well as you now know, Greg and I got married. :-) I am having the church wedding/celebration in my hometown in Mexico, so we wanted to do something in MN, as a lot of his family might not go, which I totally understand!
And to answer your question, we are not going to be living together until Oct (other wedding)...but I am for sure going to go a lot more times to MN now! ;-)
Aw, that's great, Gabriela! So happy for you! Thank you for sharing!! :-)
That is a very encouraging quote by Spurgeon! Thank you so much for sharing it. It is such a blessing to know that Christ is my Rock and foundation no matter how shaky and unsettling my circumstances may be.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog! :-)
You're welcome, Melinda, and thank you for leaving a comment! :-)
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