Wednesday, April 10, 2013

~All Things Crucified~

This morning I sat at the end of my bed before joining my family at the breakfast table. Picking up a new book I recently bought called A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent. I read. Read until my eyes rested on these words:

"... When called to do something I don't want to do, I must die. When I wish to be selfish and serve no one, I must die. When shattered by hardships that I despise, I must die. When wanting to cling to wrongs done against me, I must die. When enticed by allurements of the world, I must die. When wishing to keep besetting sins secret, I must die. When wants that are borderline needs are left unmet, I must die. When dreams that are good seem shoved aside, I must die.

"Not My will, but Yours be done," Christ trustingly prayed on the eve of His crucifixion; and preaching His story to myself each day puts me in a frame of mind to trust God and embrace the cross of my own dying also."

I know that could sound gloomy, but it was exactly what I needed to read. And I have had many opportunities to put this in to practice today. What peace it brings!

Saying yes to all my Father brings me each day... saying no, to the road of ease.

I could write on, but this is something I'm learning and grasping. Instead of writing more I'll leave you with this verse to ponder along with me...

"...He said to all, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me." ~Luke 9:23


Madison said...

I needed that, Anna! Who's the author-- I'd like to print the first paragraph?

Ana R.W. said...

I'm grateful it was an encouragement! The book is by Milton Vincent... yes... I ought to add his name into my post! :-)

Blessings on your day and thank you for the comment!


Madison said...

Thank you! I mentioned the book to a friend, and she said that she had really enjoyed it, too. :)

seekingHim said...

WOW, what a powerful quote. Something that I needed for today. Thanks for posting!

Ana R.W. said...

You're welcome!! I'm grateful it was a blessing to you too! :D

Amber said...

That sounds like a great little book! It can be easy for me to think that I will die to self, but when the tests actually come up, it can be a lot harder!

Have a lovely evening!

Ana R.W. said...

Thank you, Amber! <3 :-)

Jacqueline@ said...

I am blessed by your posts on putting our flesh to death. I find that it gets easier and the Lord gets sweeter with every passing year. Praise God for His surpassing greatness!
Thank you!

Ana R.W. said...

Amen! Thank you Mrs. Line! <3