Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sometimes trials are like beet tops.

I still remember the shivery feelings that came to me as a child when I looked down at the cooked beat tops sitting on my plate.

I didn't like them. Actually, I really didn't like them.

"Mom," I would ask, "why do I have to eat these?"

"Because I love you."

That was my mom's ever ready response, leaving me wondering if she could possibly stop loving me for a few moments so I could get out of eating this bitter green stuff.

Those beet tops were there for my good and health. That's why my parents, who loved me, placed them on my plate.

I believe that the relationship of parents and their children is an image of Christ and His children. Our Heavenly father places trials on His children's plates.


Because He loves us.

Trials grow us strong. Out of true love, the Lord, (just like our parents), will not allow us to gorge on ice cream and cream puffs the rest of our days.

Beet top moments grow us in ways that mountain top experiences never could.

Knowing this, we can face trails (and yes, beet tops) with joy. We are loved. And so we have trials, so that we "...may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." {James 1:4b}

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My fingers and His hand.

"That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most."
-Russel in the film Up

remember twirling around in the kitchen when I was younger waiting for supper to heat up on the stove thinking, It seems like it will be forever until I will be in my twenties.

The "forever" has happened and I'm in my twenties. So much has happened from then to now.

Time moves. Moments flee.

God's hand is in everything, and I don't want to forget His story in my life.

I need to write and record. I believe it's Biblical. But I talk myself out of it.

It's ridiculous because my delay is based on false fear. So I'll step out in faith.

No matter how ordered or un-ordered my thoughts are on any given day, or how many books on writing I feel I need to read before I can write - I need to write.

I realize that I'm not a sixty or eighty year old Titus 2 woman, but I'm headed in that direction, and it's beautiful that I can practice right now... :-) Because in a few more "forevers" I'll be there. ;-)

This life is filled with God's grace. God's hand is working. And I feel called to use my fingers for typing what His hand has done.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

...through the lens of God's providence...

Recently my family and I watched Normandy: A Final Farewell.  It shares glimpses of the lives of a few men who fought in WWII. I was inspired. I really appreciate how Mr. Phillips honors these men.
Here's a favorite quote of mine from the ending of the documentary:

"See all things through the lens of God's providence and mercy and you'll raise up a very grateful, generous, and honoring generation of children."
~Doug Phillips