Saturday, May 25, 2013

Jesus has overcome...

I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” 
~John 16:33

Ah, friends!! I hope you are all doing well...
These have been busy days... and somewhat challenging days for me.

God is showing me the value of moment by moment dependence on Him. Refining me. Causing me to press into Jesus, the sovereign One. What a trustworthy Savior He is! He loves His children more than we can fathom!

When the way seems unclear and anxieties want to thrive, I'm learning that moment by moment, when I turn my eyes on the Lord, peace comes.  Anchoring myself in God's goodness!

He is faithful.

He is all powerful.

He has everything in His hand.

We are not alone...

So I turn and listen to Him...

And His words bring comfort.

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
~Psalm 46:10

He created *all* things. Every human heart. Everything. It's by His will that they exist and were created. Nothing escapes His notice. 

“Worthy are you, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
    and by your will they existed and were created.”
~Revelation 4:11

He is so worthy of our praise! He is working all things for our good and making us more like His Son.

We're more than conquerors through Him! So let's be still and know that in every moment God is working all things His glory!!

When life seems overwhelming may we run to Jesus who has overcome the world!


Amber said...

lovely photos, and I have found John 16:33 to be very encouraging! Thank you for reminding me of that!

Ana R.W. said...

Aw, thank you Amber!! :-)It was beautiful seeing a sunset and rain around the same time!

It sure is an encouraging verse... so thankful for those words of truth from our heavenly Father that we can run to!

I hope you're doing well, friend!! Thanks for your comment. :)


Gabriela said...

Thank you for the reminder/encouragement! "He is working all things for our good and making us more like His Son." SO true.

PS. I LOVED your pictures. I've tried taking pictures while raining (when and if we get some rain in Texas), but I still don't have the hang of it. ;-)

Hope you are doing good, Ana!

Ana R.W. said...

You're welcome, friend!!

Aww. Thank you! It was a lovely evening! I was having fun taking pictures while riding in the back seat of the car on our way home... (where I took these pictures). :D

Thanks, Amber! I'm doing pretty well... just learning to trust God with everything. Learning to worship Him instead of worry... <3
I hope you're doing well too!

Thanks for the comment!

~Ana :)