Friday, March 1, 2013

Sharing a post...

I had the pleasure of writing a guest post for my friend Makenna. I wanted to share it with you all so you could take the time to go over there and read it and visit her site. :)

"Last Sunday as my family and I drove to church, I opened my Bible to the book of Isaiah. I was so comforted by being reminded of the complete greatness and power of our God.

And then I remembered that sinful though we are, Jesus came down and saved us by His unmerited grace. He has sought us and bought us with His blood....."      (Click here for more..)


Amber said...

That is really nice that you were able to be a guest writer for a blog. And I've always liked James 1:27!

Thank you for taking time to visit my blog!


Ana R.W. said...

You're welcome, dear Amber!
Thank you for your kind comment. :-)